Category: Health and environment

Analysis of single-use menstrual products from the Spanish market detect 19 substances associated with plastic that can compromise the health of women and future generations

Barcelona, ​​November 28, 2024 – A project carried out by Rezero with the collaboration of the Institute of Environmental Diagnostics and Water Studies (IDAEA-CSIC), has revealed the presence of substances that can compromise health human in disposable menstrual products. This pioneering research, carried out for the first time in Spain, analyzed ten samples of pads […]


8M2023 – For regulations in favor of toxic-free menstruation: fairness, accessibility and health

On March 8, 2023, the United Nations wants to pay tribute to women and organizations that are fighting for the advancement of transformative technology and for women’s access to digital education. A transformative technology and access to education must be accompanied by information that is independent of economic interests and that allows women an active […]


Cigarette Waste. Impacts and opportunities

Every citizen can pay 21€ per year for a road cleaning of cigarette waste that should be assumed by the tobacco manufacturer. Rezero presents the report “Cigarette Waste. Impacts and opportunities from an environmental, economic and regulatory perspective“ which describes the environmental and economic impacts generated by cigarette waste and which presents various technical, economic […]


Rezero presenta a Palma la campanya Nou Període, per una menstruació lliure també de residus

Avui, la Fundació Rezero ha presentat la campanya Nou Període, per una menstruació lliure també de residus , que compta amb el suport de la Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori.
L’acte ha estat conduit per Roser Badia, coordinadora de Rezero a Balears i amb la intervenció del Dir. Gral. de Residus, Sebastià Sansó.


Reflexiones sobre la nueva Ley de Residuos en España

NoTimeToWaste – ResiduoCero La nueva Ley de Residuos es una oportunidad única frente a la emergencia climática y a la crisis de residuos que vivimos en el Estado español. La Alianza Residuo Cero organiza cuatro mesas de debate para discutir, conocer y acordar cuáles deben ser los puntos clave hacia el nuevo modelo de economía […]


The Library of Things says goodbye until September with 63 members and a catalog of 100 objects that can be borrowed

motius per obrir una biblioteca de les coses

Using an object instead of owning it is practical, easy and cheap. The first Library of Things in Catalonia, a pioneering project of social and environmental economy, opened in January of this year and has become a benchmark in the District and at the same time in other municipalities and neighborhoods of Barcelona that also […]


Rezero publishes a report on the acquisition and use of reusable masks to protect health and the environment

Report ” Reusable masks: protecting health and the environment“ Rezero, 2020 The Covid-19 pandemic will leave us with many images, some very painful and others full of hope and solidarity. But if there is an object that can serve as an identification of this period, it is the masks. After the first months full of […]
