Category: Menstruació

Analysis of single-use menstrual products from the Spanish market detect 19 substances associated with plastic that can compromise the health of women and future generations

Barcelona, ​​November 28, 2024 – A project carried out by Rezero with the collaboration of the Institute of Environmental Diagnostics and Water Studies (IDAEA-CSIC), has revealed the presence of substances that can compromise health human in disposable menstrual products. This pioneering research, carried out for the first time in Spain, analyzed ten samples of pads […]


8M2023 – For regulations in favor of toxic-free menstruation: fairness, accessibility and health

On March 8, 2023, the United Nations wants to pay tribute to women and organizations that are fighting for the advancement of transformative technology and for women’s access to digital education. A transformative technology and access to education must be accompanied by information that is independent of economic interests and that allows women an active […]


Enviromentalist colectives, feminist and health area demand to the governs eradicate toxics from mestrual products and claim more transparency to the companies.

Enviromentalist, economic, feminist and health colectives have been summon in front of Woman Hospital and Child Hospital for a reason. They demand the governs the prohibition of toxic substances in menstrual products and require the companies to inform about their composition.      They have demonstrated the number of toxics that menstrual products contain through the stage […]
