Category: Plastics

Global Plastics Treaty: we are getting there. Slowly.

We almost made it. Most countries in the world are in favour of an ambitious Global Plastics Treaty that addresses plastic production, restricts toxics, increases circularity and delivers on financing for a just transition. However, after more than 2 years of meetings, negotiators ran out of time to agree a deal and decided to call […]


Enviromentalist colectives, feminist and health area demand to the governs eradicate toxics from mestrual products and claim more transparency to the companies.

Enviromentalist, economic, feminist and health colectives have been summon in front of Woman Hospital and Child Hospital for a reason. They demand the governs the prohibition of toxic substances in menstrual products and require the companies to inform about their composition.      They have demonstrated the number of toxics that menstrual products contain through the stage […]


Cigarette Waste. Impacts and opportunities

Every citizen can pay 21€ per year for a road cleaning of cigarette waste that should be assumed by the tobacco manufacturer. Rezero presents the report “Cigarette Waste. Impacts and opportunities from an environmental, economic and regulatory perspective“ which describes the environmental and economic impacts generated by cigarette waste and which presents various technical, economic […]

2020 / Plastics, Waste

The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo and Nestlé named top plastic polluters for the third year in a row

Manila, Philippines – The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo and Nestlé are ranked as the world’s top plastic polluters for the 3rd consecutive year according to Break Free From Plastic‘s report “BRANDED Vol III:  Demanding Corporate Accountability for Plastic Pollution” released today, during a virtual press conference.   This year, Break Free From Plastic’s brand audit — an […]


Independent analysis reveals reusable packaging up to 85% more climate-friendly than single-use

7th of December 2020 Zero Waste Europe, the University of Utrecht and Reloop we released a report highlighting that reusable packaging – such as bottles, crates, jars and others – produce far fewer carbon emissions than their single-use counterparts. The findings of the report include: 💥 Reusable glass bottles produce 85% fewer carbon emissions than […]


Rezero presenta a Palma la campanya Nou Període, per una menstruació lliure també de residus

Avui, la Fundació Rezero ha presentat la campanya Nou Període, per una menstruació lliure també de residus , que compta amb el suport de la Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori.
L’acte ha estat conduit per Roser Badia, coordinadora de Rezero a Balears i amb la intervenció del Dir. Gral. de Residus, Sebastià Sansó.


Reflexiones sobre la nueva Ley de Residuos en España

NoTimeToWaste – ResiduoCero La nueva Ley de Residuos es una oportunidad única frente a la emergencia climática y a la crisis de residuos que vivimos en el Estado español. La Alianza Residuo Cero organiza cuatro mesas de debate para discutir, conocer y acordar cuáles deben ser los puntos clave hacia el nuevo modelo de economía […]
