
RezeroLab Data

Low levels of residual fraction

Data from Balearic Islands

Low levels of residual fraction collection usually go hand in hand with high levels of selective collection or low waste generation per capita. This indicator is, therefore, a positive sign of a municipality’s progress towards zero waste.

Evolution of the number of municipalities in the Balearic Islands that collect less that 120 kg of residual fraction per capita

Source:Government of the Balearic Islands and the Islands Councils of Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera

In 2021, only 17 municipalities in the Balearic Islands collected less than 120kg (25% of the total) of residual fraction.
The vast majority of municipalities that generate less than 120kg/inhabitant/year in the Balearic Islands are municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants and with a door-to-door waste collection system.