
RezeroLab Data

Companies with voluntary systems for the protection of the environment

Data from Balearic Islands

The number of companies with ecological labels (mechanism for promoting products that can reduce adverse environmental impacts compared to other products in the same category), environmental quality guarantee badges (Catalan ecological labeling system that recognizes products and services that exceed certain environmental quality requirements beyond those established as mandatory by current regulations) and EMAS (management tool for companies and other organizations, of voluntary application, which allows evaluating, improving and making known their environmental behavior), allows evaluating the evolution of companies’ commitment to the environment.

Number of companies with voluntary systems for the protection of the environment in the Balearic Islands

Source:Balearic Islands government

The number of Balearic companies that opt ​​for environmental certifications and distinctives for their products and services has been uneven over the last decade.
Since 2018, the number of companies with EMAS certification has decreased, while products and services with an eco-label have remained stable.