RezeroLab Data

Waste monthly generation

Data from Balearic Islands

The generation of waste is closely linked to the demographic pressure of a territory.

In the case of the Balearic Islands, the influx of tourism represents a significant increase in waste generation per capita in some months of the year, a fact that can lead to the collapse of waste management and treatment facilities.

Evolution of monthñly waste generation and monthly human pressure indicator de (HPI) of the Balearic Islands (2021)

Source:Prepared by Rezero on the basis data from the Balearic Islands government; Insulars governments of Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera; IBESTAT
NOTE: These data include ordinary domestic and commercial fractions (paper and cardboard, organic material, lightweight packaging, glass and the rest), and non-ordinary fractions collected in landfills and industrial waste are excluded.

The population in the Balearic Islands increases significantly during summer, almost doubling waste production during July and August compared to the winter months.