RezeroLab Data

Municipal waste production

Data from Catalunya

Municipal waste is all waste generated in private homes, businesses, offices and other services, and all waste generated in municipalities that is comparable to that produced in these spaces.

Evolution of the amount of municipal waste generated per capita in Catalonia

Source:Waste agency of Catalonia

The generation of waste in Catalonia has been around 500 kg/inhabitant/year in the last decade.
Waste generated per capita has been reduced by 14% in 2023, compared to 2010. The percentage reduction is 10%, if the total waste generated in Catalonia is taken into account.

Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy establishes as a prevention objective the reduction of 13% of waste generated by 2025 and 15% by 2023, comapared to 2010.