
A space for share information, exchange of ideasand debate

RezeroLab is a Rezero line with a look beyond the current situation where to generate knowledge and test initiatives towards the Zero Waste society.

It is a space where you can find innovative reports and studies, pilot tests and current regulations and debates in the field of waste prevention.

2015 / Consumption, Environmental Education, Food waste, Health/Hygiene, Reuse/Containers

Catalunya towards Zero Waste first report

This report provides data to reflect on the state, natural resource consumption and waste generation trends in Catalunya and for the formulation of proposals to move quickly and decisively towards a model of sustainable production and consumption. and circular.

Autorship: Rezero

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2013 / Reuse/Containers

Report on the temporary implementation of an SDDR in Cadaqués

Prova pilot de l'SDDR realitzada per Rezero a Cadaqués.

This report analyzes the design, implementation and results of a pilot test of the Disposable Packaging Return System carried out in the municipality of Cadaqués (Girona). The temporary implementation of a deposit and return system in Cadaqués aims to demonstrate the viability of a packaging management model that already works successfully in over 40 countries and regions around the world.

Autorship: Rezero i Retorna

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2013 / Reuse/Containers

Recycling of Nespresso capsules in Catalunya study. Nestlé

The study consists in analyzing the recycling of certain small aluminum containers (especially NESPRESSO coffee capsules) using the conventional recycling system – yellow containers – in Catalunya, as a pilot test which could be exportable in the future to the rest of Spain.

Autorship: Rezero i Acció Natura

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2013 / Reuse/Containers

Selective collection of packaging in Spain study conducted by Professor Ramon Sanz-UPC

The aim of the study is to determine the proportion of municipal (domestic) packaging waste that is selectively collected, as well as the amount generated and the most packaging items found. The study was conducted in four Spanish territories.

Autorship: Rezero, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Amigos de la Tierra i Retorna

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2015 / Consumption

Redesigning Producer Responsibility. A new EPR is needed for a circular economy

Dipòsit a les cigarretes

This study analyzes the degree of application of the extended producer responsibility principle at European level, analyzing which products are subject to these schemes and which are not and how effective they are. Based on the results obtained, the study justifies the need to design a new model to move towards the circular economy.

Autorship: Rezero i Zero Waste Europe

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2008 / Consumption

The economic savings associated with household waste prevention

L'estalvi econòmic associat a la prevenció de residus a la llar

The purchasing decisions we make as consumers are directly related to the production of waste and the economic expenditure of households. This study takes an approach to the economic savings associated with waste prevention practices for a standard Catalan family, analyzing the consumption and waste generation habits of five families in the metropolitan area of Barcelona for a few months.

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2013 / Reuse/Containers

Packaging waste Flows

The study establishes four main indicators that allow to evaluate the recycling process of household packaging waste in Spain. The four indicators follow four phases of the packaging waste flow, from consumption to recycling.

Autorship: Rezero

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2015 / Consumption, Environmental Education, Food waste, Health/Hygiene, Reuse/Containers

A new vision of the waste: Proposals of Extended Responsibility of the Producer. Barcelona case study

The report analyzes the Extended Producer Responsibility as an instrument of progress towards Zero Waste, studying in particular the case of the city of Barcelona, and includes a series of action measures for the correct implementation of such schemes.

Autorship: Rezero

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2019 / Reuse/Containers

The use of reusable beverage containers in the Balearic Islands. Promotion plan for the use of reusable beverage packaging’ study. Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries. Directorate General of Environmental Education, Environmental Quality and Waste

This study presents an analysis of the current situation of the packaged beverage sector in the Balearic Islands with the aim of identifying the main barriers and the territory’s existing potential for the promotion of reusable packaging. Measures are also proposed for administrations, packers, entrepreneurs and third sector organizations from which to build on the infrastructures for the reuse of beverage packaging, as well as give visibility and value to returnable packaging in order to increase its demand.

Autorship: Rezero per a la Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Pesca. Direcció General Educació Ambiental, Qualitat Ambiental i Residus

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2011 / Reuse/Containers

Analysis of packaging elements and prevention proposals. Waste Agency of Catalonia

2014 / Reuse/Containers

Implementation of a packaging return system in Catalunya. Economic opportunities for local bodies

The study evaluates the impact of the implementation of a deposit and return system in the different areas that affect waste management by local authorities: collection and treatment costs, fee return, road and beach cleaning.

Autorship: Rezero i Retorna

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2018 / Reuse/Containers

The potential of reuse in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

The study, which is part of the basic studies carried out for PREMET25, analyzes the current reuse and potential for reuse in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and provides the conceptual and technical elements to facilitate, both at municipal as well as metropolitan levels, the move towards a waste management model focused on zero waste, where reuse and preparation for reuse play a key role.

Autorship: Rezero per a Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, AMB

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