Elena Diez

Executive Director

Directs and coordinates environmental education and municipal waste management and prevention projects, as well as various participative processes. Elena has been responsible for the design and implementation of the collection of organic waste, door-to-door collection and waste collection and storage depots in several Catalan municipalities. She has developed several municipal waste prevention plans, studies and pilot tests for the implementation of bottle deposit and return systems.

Rosa García

General Manager
Biologist and Doctor of Sustainability

With over 15 years of experience in the design and development of management projects, plans, studies and strategic campaigns in the fields of responsible consumption, waste prevention and circular economy, she has advised and accompanied administrations, companies, organizations, universities and other training centers. Rosa coordinates the development of regulatory and fiscal proposals in the field of preventive waste management and responsible consumption. She is a research member of the UAB Complex Consolidated Research Group, a specialist in the development of professional skills for sustainability teachers and a teacher of sustainable and responsible tourism for the Official Master’s Degree in Tourism Business Management at the UB.

Marta Beltran

Project Director
Human Biologist with a Master's Degree in Education, Participation and Environmental Communication

Marta directs the organisation’s projects and campaigns, such as the European project LIFE ReWINE one for the reuse of wine bottles, Pont Alimentari, Remenja’mmm for food waste reduction, Comerç Verd and JoSocCoco. In the field of studies, she has analysed the production of waste associated with the standard shopping cart and the over-packaging in everyday consumer products. She has also developed projects such as the promotion of the bottle deposit and return system, the environmentalization of municipal facilities, waste prevention eco-audits and company counselling.

Anna Peña

Director of Communication
Environmentalist with a postgraduate degree in environmental psychology

Specializing in strategy and environmental communication, she has worked as head of communication and projects at different institutions, contributing her experience by encouraging the joint work of different sectors for the same campaign. Anna works with the organization’s management and technical teams for the definition and design of dissemination activities for projects and studies and has designed the communication strategy of several successful campaigns such as JoCoco, winner of the European Waste Prevention Award 2018.

Alba Cabrera

Studies Director
Environmentalist with a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering

Alba has extensive experience in conducting research studies in the fields of sustainability and waste, both at local, regional and European level. With knowledge and experience in data collection and analysis, in the use of environmental simulation programs and in the management and writing of reports. She has worked as a junior researcher at University College Dublin. At Rezero she has developed and coordinated waste prevention plans, Circular Economy studies and studies to promote the reuse of materials.

Laia Carulla

Directora de projectes

Dirigeix els projectes de consum i malbaratament alimentari com el Pont Alimentari, Remenja’mmm de reducció del malbaratament alimentari, Comerç Verd i JoSocCoco.

Ha coordinat la secretaria de consum responsable de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona. Ha coordinat equips d’educadors ambientals i ha participat en l’elaboració i execució de campanyes de sensibilització i de noves dinàmiques i materials d’educació ambiental. Entre les seves àrees de treball destaca la participació en la creació de Xarxes de Comerç Verd a diferents municipis catalans, la redacció de Plans Locals de Prevenció de residus i del Pla d’Impuls per a la millora de la recollida selectiva de la fracció orgànica a Barcelona.

Jenny Berengueras

Project Coordinator
Environmentalist, minor in Analysis and Environmental Policies with a Master’s degree in Corporate Social Responsibility

With 17 years of professional experience in the field of animal protection, he has co-organized projects and campaigns such as the popular legislative initiative that ended bullfighting in Catalunya and has co-produced the Empatía documentary. Her interest in responsible consumption and waste reduction led her to studies in circular economy, waste management and social and solidarity economy as well as to launch an entrepreneurial project of reusable bags.

Roser Badia

Coordinator in the Balearic Islands
Environmental scientist with specific training in environmental education, holistic pedagogy and citizen participation

She has worked in the field of education, as a secondary and university teacher, coordinating an occupational training project and conducting workshops on school environmental education. Roser has designed and carried out awareness raising campaigns and projects in the areas of waste, natural resources, energy, climate change, food and agriculture. Moreover, she has carried out environmental impact studies, the design of educational materials and campaigns to promote domestic composting.

Carme Verdaguer

Communication in Balearic Islands
Graduate in Fine Arts and Image

Specialized in communication and audiovisual production. For over 15 years Carme has carried out strategy and communication campaigns for various companies and institutions. She has directed documentary projects for TV and transmedia, some of which have won international awards. She co-founded the company Pep Lemon in Mallorca, elaborating the product and the brand positioning strategy. She is currently working on communication and sustainability consultancy projects and is Rezero’s communications manager in the Balearic Islands.

Laura Sanz

Project coordinator
Environmentalist and student of a Master’s Degree in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability

Coordinator of municipal campaigns such as Comerç Verd, Remenja’mmm or Jo Soc Coco, she came to Rezero through university practices where she was able to learn how these campaigns work as an environmental educator.

Susanna Pérez

Chemist with a Master's Degree in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability

Specialized in environmental sustainability and waste prevention, she has worked managing innovative projects in the area of circular economy. Lately she has been involved in studies about the textile industry impact, the reason why she decided to undertake her own project based on textile recycling. She has an increasing interest in the degrowth economy and the environmental sustainability, and has explored areas such as responsible consumption and the agri-food system.

Laia Tresserra Comelles

Laia Tresserra


A graduate in sociology, she has always worked in the publishing world. For three years he directed the magazine Opcions, specializing in conscious consumption. In Rezero she develops communication tasks and participates in various projects.

Laura Vila

Laura Vila

Project Coordinator
Dietitian i Business Administration

Health project coordinator at Rezero, she has worked in public health as a dietitian-nutritionist and as an environmental and nutritional educator in a large exhibition on healthy and sustainable food. She also has a Degree in Business Administration and Management, with a Postgraduate in Non-Profit Organizations and Social Economy and has experience in business consulting.

Vanessa Rodríguez

Administrative and secretary
Filmmaker in audiovisual media

With training in Image and Sound, she has always worked in the audiovisual, photography, communication and cinema worlds. Vanessa has worked in the audiovisual department of a large company and, as a mother, she did several motherhood-related trainings. In recent years she has been a consultant for baby carriers for both individuals and professionals and is fascinated with Rezero’s work.

Miquel Àngel Muñoz

Rezero Collaborator
Consultant and teacher in business strategy and marketing

With over 20 years of experience in the Third Sector advising, participating, creating organizations and programs for social transformation. In continuous assessment of the challenges that today’s society imposes on us.

Marta Amat

Rezero’s collaborator in the field of communication
Freelance photographer and audiovisual producer

Freelance photographer and audiovisual producer focused on ecological, social and environmental issues. With over 15 years experience in illustrated reports, portraiture, advertising and documentaries for all types of entities and companies. In constant search of the limits that unite the environment with society, imagination with the intimate, to capture this subtle moment in which everything, creativity-technique-technology-spontaneity, is aligned in an image.

Sergi Rovira

Rezero Collaborator
Environmental policy advisor

Custody and support for the development of organizations which grow, learn and become involved in our society’s environmental and social challenges through their own transformation. Definition of the organization’s aims and alignment of their strategies (assumption of responsibilities and tasks, team structuring, definition of communication channels and interrelation spaces, work by projects)..

Punts·volats (Xevi Riera i Joan Jubany)

Rezero Collaborator
Graphic Design

Graphic design and communication team especially aimed at social economy entities and groups. Historically linked to social projects and movements, our goal is to contribute to a more just and equitable world.

Our experience makes us able to get involved in creative processes of any project with a global vision both from the initial approach, as well as the design and communication strategy of graphic and / or corporate image campaigns.


Albert Pérez Pons

Rezero Collaborator
Graphic design and communication

He believes design is always social and establishes personal relationships which can help transform and improve the world a little. Linked especially to the cultural, social and educational fields, he practices a simple, conceptual and creative design.

Oriol Buch

Rezero Collaborator
Consultant, manager and programmer

He deals with tax issues and provides financial advice. Above all, he helps 3rd sector entities to improve and integrate processes within the administrative department in order to speed up work and to be able to carry out better economic monitoring. He works with his own management program which adapts to each organization and allows, among other things, to do the accounting without the person entering the data knowing about accounting, grant justification, invoicing, paying or monitoring the budget and monitoring treasury and projects.

Montse Sahún

Rezero Collaborator
Cook, catering company

With her enterprising nature, she began collaborating with Rezero in July 2014, coinciding with International Plastic-Bag-Free Day. Disseminator for the reduction of food waste, she collaborates with the Remenja’mmm campaign.